
Week 12

For the final week, I still can not get the concept of computability, I looked at some others slogs and it helps me alot.




From the third slog, I had more clear concept of proving if a program is computable.

This week was review of computability, and studied some others slogs. And assignment 3 is due next monday!!!

And finally, I really enjoyed reading other slogs and I can learn a lot from reading slogs.

week 11

Halting problems and Computability

The things we learned in this week is something new.

def H(f ,i)
      return True if f(i) = 42, else False

In this case, if f is a well defined function, then we can say what f(i) is for every i in some domain, but we can not say how to compute f(i), in other words, it means f is not computable.

week 10

For this week, it was similar with last weeks, based on big-oh and big-omega notations, the questions are getting complex.

And we also have learned other way to prove big-oh and big-omega notations by techniques from limits.

week 9

We have been continuing doing some proves on concepts of big-oh and big-omega notations.

The definition of big-oh notation is f(n) = O(g(n)) means there are positive constants c and k, such that 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ cg(n) for all n ≥ k. The values of c and k must be fixed for the function f and must not depend on n. 

The definition of big-omega notation is f(n) = Ω(g(n)) means there are positive constants c and k, such that f(n)  cg(n) ≥ 0 for all n ≥ k. The values of c and k must be fixed for the function f and must not depend on n.

But the difference between this week and last week is that, we are proving the relationship between two functions, rather than estimating the steps of a program would take.

For example, f(n) = O(g(n)), all we need to prove is f(n) will eventually dominated by g(n)

In this case, we need to prove from a point, (6n^5 - 4n^3 + 2n) ≥(5n^4 - 3n^2 +1)

week 8

After the tutorial, I had some idea of big-oh notation. We had same proofs in the lectures as last week, but for this time, I can understand the steps of professor took in the lectures. I started to know the steps taking in while loops and the constant steps.

In IS, the constant steps is step 1 and there are two while loops. Then we need to estimate the maximum steps would take for IS.

And the definition of big-oh notation is: f(n) = O(g(n)) means there are positive constants c and k, such that 0 ≤ f(n) ≤ cg(n) for all n ≥ k. The values of c and k must be fixed for the function f and must not depend on n.  

week 7

For this week, I was lost in the lectures, big-oh is so new to me and I can not understand the concept of big-oh totally, in the lecture, we had a python program and we estimate the worse case for computer to process the steps, which means estimating the maximum steps that  computer would take to process the program. for example:

And we need to prove that worst case of IS is in big-oh of n square.

week 6

We had a long-weekend, Thanksgiving holiday!!!

For this week, it was level-up from last week, questions are getting harder, and the statements are need to prove is more complex, but the whole technique is same, universal and existential.
 The statements are now containing multiple quantifiers. which made me to think more and takes longer time to understand the statements, then I can decide to prove or disprove it.

Week 5

We got the first term test feed back, class average was high, and I need to work more on it.

In this week, we had introduction to universal and existence, in English is ' for all' and 'there exist' To prove universal, we need to show any elements in the set satisfies the conditions, in other words, to disprove it, we need one counter example to show that there is at least one elements in set that do not satisfy the condition. Similarly, to prove existence,  we need to show there is at least one element in set that satisfy the statement, and show no elements in set that satisfy the statement if disproving it.

Until now, proofs are not complicated.

Week 4

In  this week, we started to do some simple proofs. And the assignment 1 is due this week, assignment was not so hard, but I found some difficulties in veen diagrams. I know how to draw diagrams for two events, but I really can not understand for three or more events. 

In the lecture, proofs was not so hard, until now... We learned two ways of implications last week, according to truth table, so the whole technique of the proofs is translating one way to other way, and make them equal, or disprove it if they are different. for example,
 This is a typical proofs of this week, not so hard, we just need to show first statement is equivalent to second one, translating 'if P then Q ' to 'not P or Q', and we can prove it.

Anyway, I enjoyed to do proofs. 

week 3

Things I have learned in this week were about negation, implication, conjunction and dis-junction. We started with basic introduction to "math language", some symbols that people use in mathematical language. We started to translate normal English language to mathematical language, and there are some difference between English language and mathematical language. For example, in English, 'or' means 'choose one from two', which is either A or B, but in mathematical form, 'or' means either A or B, or both.

I also learned implications(if statements). for example, if A, then B, and how to negate the if statements. According to truth table, implications are in two ways, first way is if A then B, second way is not A or B.